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Oct 12, 2009

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World Arthritis Day:12 October 2009

World Arthritis Day has been celebrated 1996 by ARI (Arthritis Rheumatism International) first. It is being celebrated each year on October 12th.
Now, people with arthritis from around the world join together to make their voices heard on this day. You can join in and raise this voice also!
The aims of World Arthritis Day are:
  • To raise awareness of arthritis in all its forms among the medical community, people with arthritis and the general public
  • To influence public policy by making decision-makers aware of the burden of arthritis and the steps which can be taken to ease it
  • To ensure all people with arthritis and their caregivers are aware of the vast support network available to them.
The World arthritis day is supported and managed by EULAR, the European League Against Rheumatism.